The Fourth Trimester: The Real Reason Your Newborn is Fussy
Jan 17, 2025
Your baby is under 13 weeks old, *constantly* wants to nurse/feed, never wants to be put down, and is extremely fussy.
You’re not going crazy. You’re in “The Fourth Trimester.”
You will get through it. And here is how…⤵️
First things first, always, is to understand what on earth is going on.
American pediatrician, Dr. Harvey Karp suggests that babies are born three months before they are physically ready and because of this, they like things that remind them of being in the womb. They want to be back there! Unfortunately, women’s bodies are DEFINITELY done after 9 months, so it is time for them to evacuate whether we like it or not.
These first 12 weeks outside of the womb are a time of adjustment for your baby (and you) as well as recovery from birth.
So what do these 3 months look like? What is actually happening during this time?
Your baby will likely be very fussy and/or sleepy! They just made a very overwhelming change, and they are adjusting to life outside the womb. They’ll need lots of contact, milk, and help getting to sleep by rocking, nursing, babywearing, bouncing, walking, and many other creative methods I'm sure.
Remember, in the womb they are used to 24/7 food, warmth, and loud noises (your literal blood pumping through your body, your heartbeat etc).. On top of that they have been used to lots of movement from you walking around every day. In the womb their every want and need is taken care of. Life in a 24/7 all you can eat jacuzzi is pretty hard to leave.
They have never experienced cold, hunger, any of that. So imagine the shock when you are born and suddenly you’ve got bright lights, you're cold, and keep being undressed to be changed and washed. You actually have to WORK to get food because sucking is also something new (even if it’s something instinctual it’s still harder than just never feeling hungry). When you put it like that, it makes a lot more sense why they might be freaking out doesn’t it?
So how can you HELP them!?
As I said earlier, your newborn is craving the womb environment: dark, contained, secure, loud and lots of movement.
When they are fussy, try implementing the 5 S’s of Soothing:
- Swaddle
- Side Position
- Shush
- Swaying Motion
- Sucking (non nutritive)
“Will this ever end?? I am struggling. When will we sleep again?”
Don’t fear!! This time is fleeting. Even if it feels like it’s neverending. In fact, you may even look back and be sad it’s over one day. So much so that you have another one (lol). But I digress.
Typically, babies feel more comfortable in the world when they are around 3-4 months old. After this time you can start to form more of a solid routine to optimize your baby’s sleep (not necessarily a schedule, we aren’t clocks after all). But I'm here to tell you with the right tools, sleep is absolutely on your horizon. It’s coming soon. And the fact that you're here means you’re well on your way to sleeping all night long.
So hang in there. Don’t stress about those cuddly contact naps, and try to introduce healthy sleep hygiene when you’re ready.
What is sleep hygiene? How do I do that?
Well, you are in the right place for that! I have tons of resources for parents who want to practice safe, loving, and research-based sleep shaping. My blog and my Instagram page is a great place to start. Be sure to download my *FREE* Night Waking Guide here to learn about shaping sleep right from the start.
If you just want someone (aka me) to walk you through this entire process. Working through the fourth trimester with ease and getting those longer stretches of sleep between 4-10 hours (yes, for real). Then my Newborn Sleep Course for ages 0-3 months is the place for you.
The Cozy Newborn Course 👶🏼 is the heartbeat 💓 of laying a helpful sleep foundation for YEARS to come and reducing night wakings 😴 I used the principles and tips taught inside this course DAILY for years.
Over 800 mums have laid the foundation the Cozy Newborn way too 🙏
The Cozy Newborn Course is *the* place to be if you have or are expecting a newborn bebe and you desire the best sleep possible for you AND your baby 👶🏼
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