Top 3 Baby Sleep Essentials

Oct 23, 2023

Please note: this blog is not sponsored but contains several affiliate links which if you choose to purchase from I will earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. 

When it comes to baby sleep, there are a few essential items in my humble opinion. 

If sleep is a priority in your family (like it is in mine), here are some of my fave items you'll want to order right away!

1. Sound machine

My absolute fave is this Dohm Sound Machine. I love it because it doesn't sound electronic and tinny. It's just a lovely fan noise that is gentle and calming. To learn more about white noise and how it can help your baby fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer, read the blog.

2. Blackout curtains

 A nice dark sleep space is soooo helpful for a good night sleep, especially when you have a baby who is easily distracted *ahem me.* Some of my favourite blackout solutions include Mahalo, Sleepout, and Slumberpod. 

If you are in the USA and on a budget, I loveeeeed using these super cheap paper blackout curtains from Lowes (linked here). They are only $7!

Another classic budget option for keeping your baby's room nice and dark is simply using black trash liners. They are super dark, super cheap, and you don't have to worry about spending a whole lot.

Quick Tip: They are also really easy to travel with! For more travel baby sleep tips, read this blog!

3. Sleep sack

Seriously. You cannot go wrong with a solid sleep sack. They keep your baby warm and snug without risking safety, and they also prevent crib climbing later on. Believe me, even if they feel pointless now, you will regret not using one. 

The sleep sack doesn't have to be fancy or expensive, you can get them from secondhand stores, cheap(ish) on Amazon, or hand-me-downs from a friend or family member. If you fancy splurging a bit, I love our sleep sack from Kyte Baby. This shop does run really good sales a couple of times a year which is when I always stocked up. The sleep sacks last for months and months as they are very long. 

Make sure to to check out my Amazon Storefront here for a bunch of sleep sack options for ALL budgets. 

So there you have it. My top 3 baby sleep essentials that will help you and your baby sleep much more peacefully. 

But before I are 
5 pro-tips if you are on a budget:

1. Open-box on Amazon: I LOVE doing this. Open box is an often an option in more suburban areas. It's a great way of getting something basically brand new, but with a discount. You can find out if the item is available as an open box by scrolling down on the amazon app and it shows up as another way to purchase. I've done this many times with several items and rarely had any issues. Returns are just as easy as if it were brand new!

2. Facebook Marketplace: I have zero shame in my FB marketplace game. This place is. hands down the cheapest place to get baby stuff secondhand (and sometimes even new or barely used). So if you aren't afraid of secondhand like me, defo go on a local search to grab a deal. I've got everything from sound machines, swaddles, swings, play mats, toys, cribs and everything in-between. 

3. Consignment baby stores: (like Once Upon a Child in the USA): We love this place in our family. Every 2-4 months (or whenever my kids decide to have a growth spurt) we head to Once Upon a Child to grab new clothes for the season. What I love the most is that they are so often way better quality than Walmart, Shien, or other budget new clothing stores, but for MUCH cheaper. It's a win win, and it's avoiding fast fashion. 

4. Thrift stores/charity shops: Goodwill, Saint Vincent De Paul, Deseret Industries are all adequate places for baby stuff. You can often find easily cleanable items that are super cheap, but can feel brand new with a proper clean up.

5. Sign up for email lists to get discounts on new baby items: I love this option if you're looking to support small businesses, or just have a guilty pleasure for soft brand new baby clothes or items, then this is your best bet for a good deal. As I mentioned earlier, I love Kyte Baby sleep sacks for their extra long bags that last for literally a year or more. To me it's worth paying extra for longevity (not sponsored, but maybe one day lol). 

I'm telling you, 95% of my baby stuff was secondhand or open-box. It's a game changer!!

Did you know I have 2 completely FREE baby sleep courses? Get access to them immediately now 👇

1. No More (extra) Night Wakings Email Course

2. Sleep Regression Mini Course

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